Your default Safari web browser is not customizable. And when you want to use a font or style designed for accessibility, this creates a problem.
The openWeb Browser is a browser that helps solve that problem by giving the internet a more readable style on your iPhone (and iPhone 5) and iPad.
• The default font is OpenDyslexic: a free open-source font designed to be easy to read, especially for dyslexic readers. This font looks great on retina displays.
• You can toggle between OpenDyslexic and ComicSans double strike-through.
• Symbols are bolder, and darker, to help detect sentences and phrases.
• Reading mode on iPhone/iPod Touch lets you read the page formatted for the screen size, and with less distraction!
You can full-screen the browser at any time to remove distractions by tapping and holding. Return to the default view by tapping and holding again.
Search using DuckDuckGo! Enter a search term instead of an address into the address bar to search the web using DuckDuckGo
openWeb is free, and has no ads, and never will. Its simply a project I use, and have made available to help others.